Monday, June 6, 2011

How do u change ur mood to be happy in the game sims 2 pc??

You have to make sure they are not hungry, tired, dirty or need to use the toilet. Plus, if their social is low, you need to have them socialize with other sims (if your sim lives alone you can have them call a taxi and go to a community lot or just call another sim on the phone and talk for a while) and if their fun is low then you need to have them do something fun. Oh, and if you have them watch T.V., you can click on it (after they have turned it on) and then choose to have them watch the cooking channel. That way, their fun will go up and they will still be learning how to cook also.

If you have a really grouchy sim and that's what you mean by changing their mood, well I use a hacked painting where I can change their personality, their interests, all kinds of things with this painting. I can even put sim kids in private school and give them good grades with it. I used to rely on this painting a lot while I was learning how to play the game, but now I rarely ever use it anymore.

One thing I do still use it for though is to make my sims nicer if they have less than 4 niceness points. I'll give you a link to get the painting if you want it.

Otherwise, just wait and someone else will probably come along and tell you how to change their personality using a built-in cheat. I have never actually used any cheat to change their personality though, so I don't want to try to tell you as I might not get it right. If you want the link to the painting, edit your question and let me know.

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