My mood is constantly changing from disappointed to depressed to frustrated to content and back to disappointed. It keeps going through this cycle. The only time I ever break it is when I play tennis. That helps me escape from everything. I'm 17 btw.
How do I get better control of my emotions. My best friend even noticed them.Why does my mood change so rapidly?
It is not bipolar disorder, you just not satisfied with your life right now, we all have mood changes, you are waiting for something or maybe there is something tormenting you, not satisfied at school, every time you think about it, it makes you sad mad frustrated, because you don't know what you want, you are lost.
We all went throw this.
It will go away when you get involved with ppl, be surrounded.
get more involved with things that you like, try to dont listen to sad music and ask yourself too many questions.
I hope I helped you.Why does my mood change so rapidly?
sounds like bipolar disorder, maybe you should get it checked friend's sister is like that, and that's what she has
Sounds like you may have bipolar disorder. You should definitely see a doctor.
Sounds bi-polar.
Thats the same thing my fiance goes through, and he's bi-polar.
Im actually going through is same exact thing right now. Ive been seriously researching stuff online because I dont want to feel like crap anymore. I hate to coin depression, but thats what Ive been thinking.
When I get really upset I try talking to someone who wont judge me and knows I have to get stuff out. Writing stuff down helps. Controlling your emotions isnt important, expressing them is
It seems that when you are distracted or busy, you're not focused on your emotions. You are actually enjoying them. Happiness/content when you play tennis?
What do you think is causing your problems? Stress? Someone? A situation? Emotions directed at yourself? It's okay to not know, too.
First, think about how you worded it. ';That helps me escape from everything';. Are you running away from your emotional breakdowns. Or are you running away from a situation?
Do a bit of soul searching but develop understanding, not more anger or frustration, etc.
Then find out if there is something you have to deal with as in a situation. If it's just emotional issues and you don't have to face anything, then please, go on ahead and ';distract'; yourself. Have fun. Tennis, if it makes you happy. Try new things and gain new hobbies. The first time may not be the best but it's often the one that may trigger a new interest and get your brain/body moving.
Bi polar mood swings.
see a doctor
Sorry for the bit lengthy response below- but, you are at the beginning of the most poignant years of your life and I don't want to see you begin it by jumping to conclusions. Please don't be so quick to consider ';bi-polar';. This is much too often jumped at as a or ';the'; reason for feeling moody. Bi-polar is a much more involved and complicated diagnosis. Life is full of experiences that will affect us emotionally and physically. Sometimes it rains and sometimes the sun shines- the trick is to learn how to handle the ups and downs of daily living. There are two things that affect our lives as individuals- chances and choices. You have the ability to make choices and the choices you make affect your joy and strengths. Chances happens to all- but learning how to make good choices gives us wisdom to handle chances- good or bad. Whenever something expecially good or bad happens to you, stop and ask yourself, ';Why did that make me feel the way it did?'; And, then learn how to accept it within. Wisdom says it's better to learn to consider our ways and then what affects us and to begin work forward from there. It seems that you are considering your feelings and wanting to learn how to handle them and improve- I see this as a desire to learn. Since you are in the middle teen years, it is good to recognize that many- if not nearly all- of us who have gone throught the teen years have felt this way at various times. This is most frequently due to the new situations we find ourselves in and the changes going on both in our bodies and minds developmentally wise. You are in the midst of growth and the beginning of maturing process that will take at best a few more years. The situations you face are learning experiences that will benefit you greatly in the years to come. Have faith in your ability to learn and grow- teens cannot expect to know or have the wisdom to understand all things we'll face as an adult. The old saying, ';I was amazed at how much my father learned during the years I was between 15 and 25'; is not just an old tale. You have many things to grow and experience in the years to come, but they are part of the maturing process. So, please don't rush them and just realize that life is more schooling than just high school or college. Life is a learning experience. I'm well past 60, but I can truthfully say that I still learn many things daily- some are taught to me by strangers and some by my great-grandchildren- and I relish each experience. Just have faith you will be great and be patient to take the good and bad experiences to learn from. It'll make you stronger and much wiser. And, here's a nugget of wisdom to those who will understand- learn forgiveness! Forgiveness isn't so much for the offender, but it frees the offended to get on with their life and not to live in a self-imposed emotional prison. Life frequently feels to be really unfair, but life happens to all- rich or poor, strong or weak- none are exempt. Have faith in yourself and in your ability to learn and grow.
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