Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What are some possible causes for my cats change in mood?

I have two sister cats, about 9 months old. Both have been in and out of heat %26amp; I suspect that one is pregnant, although she isn't showing the warning signs. Her sister has had a change in disposition when she was in heat %26amp; now the other cat (who is usually very affectionate) has become grouchy. She %26amp; her sister have been hissing %26amp; swatting at eachother (which they've never done before) %26amp; when I pick my cat up she growls or mews. Any suggestions on what's bothering her %26amp; how to help her?What are some possible causes for my cats change in mood?
Spay your cats so they don't get pregnant!

Shelter are not receiving any pets because they are overcrowded, they put the animals to sleep in 24 hours!

And by law you are not suppose to have more than 4 cats in a household.What are some possible causes for my cats change in mood?
thanks! we've had an appointment set up for them for a while- they're going in on March 7.

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Cats that are in heat are really unpredictable. They'll be acting one way and then switch moods in the blink of an eye. That's why most people spay their cats. Females that aren't spayed tend to be quite annoying going in and out of heat. The only way to help your cats is to get them spayed. Do you really think they enjoy having the urgent need to be mated with? Plus, if one is already pregnant.. what do plan on doing with the kittens? Good luck giving them to a shelter.. they're all full. Good luck finding them a home.. nobody wants them! The cats are taking over the world and you're just adding to the chaos. Help the shelters out by getting them both fixed rather than bringing more unwanted kittens into the world. Even if she is pregnant, you can spay her.. I just recommend doing it as soon as possible. Please, please, PLEASE.. get them spayed!!

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