however how long it takes to listen to my music How much time you need to change ur sad mood to happy mood ....?
just a while
Not even 5 minutes...just time to think about all the good things I have.
i wash my face then sit alone in another room and try to relax myself....about half an hour.
10 minutes :D
it depends...
depends ...if is a good friend they just need to say hi to me..and my mood has changed to happy...
I went through this survival class. And they said in just 1 second of getting lost in the woods or jungle your attitude will go from positive to negative.
ummm.......jst a sec......coz my friend really crazy.....
keep smiling:))))
Till the problem that made me sad discovered. I can be sad while happy 4 something else.
as long as it takes me.
I change my mood really fast. Sometimes a simple word can make me sad or the opposite.
my mood can change in an instant, and change right back again, however if i am sad or mad, and i' happy the happy feeling lasts quite a long time!
i have a personal therapy for myself that i try to impart on others, an actual theory of mine, it works very well with me, very simple, tomorrow's another day, so why carry all the sorrow, pain and anger with you, every 24 hrs i have a new start, everyone i love has a brand new slate with me, no grudges, nothing carried over. every morning i awake to a brand new old me and a brand new day!?
Depends hugely on the reason for my sadness...
If its just a trivial thing then it'll take me as less as 20 minutes of music to get my mood back..
However, if its some serious sad thing.. it might take days or weeks..
Two to three days I think...
It depends a lot on the event. I can be depressed for days at something serious. But if it's just a general thing, it doesn't take long for me to get my happy mood back on! I'm usually a cheerful person, though. Smiling rules!! =)
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