Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I have bipolar and this sun has really changed my mood?

I want to say for the better but its already starting to cross the line of good mood and manic. Only a couple of weeks ago I was wicked depressed and now I cant even feel how I am feeling. Now my mind is just everywhere and I cant seem to get a pulse on things. Anyone else recently notice the same things happening to them?I have bipolar and this sun has really changed my mood?
The sun can definatlry change your mood they calll it SAD seasonal affective disorder Im bi - polar too and pretty much all changes can make my head race with rapid thoughts I dont get full mania though with that fun euphoria my brain just goes bezerk. when outside sources effect us sometimes its hard for our brains to compinsate properley and we dont know how we feel. I also get what they call disphoria where nothing seems real so I think I know what you mean the best thing you could possibly do is see a shrink and let him\her know whats going on but allways remember if you dont like or get along with your shrink they cant help you sometimes it can take a while to find someone who understands and can offer real helpI have bipolar and this sun has really changed my mood?
I'm going to send you an email, please read it, I think we can really help you out, support wise %26amp; help you find the resources that will be of help to you.

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happens to me all the time. I feel like a a giant weights been lifted every spring. I get energy back and feel like I can do anything. I hate winter!!
Your more under the weather.
I'm the same way as u, bi-polar with SAD. I am taking lamotrigine which helps in the winter, so I don't get so low and am able to function well. I still get perky when the days get longer and I enjoy the boost of energy, but it is not out of control. I feel for u, it's not easy being this way. Lamotrigine has really helped me.....it takes a few month's before you get up to the appropriate levels, and u don't get that awful drowsy feeling as with other medications, or dry mouth. I started taking it last August and it has made a dramatic improvement to the quality of my life. Before taking lamotrigine, I dreaded the winter months, was suicidal during them, and had trouble getting out of bed. Check with ur doctor.
I find the same thing. I have a much easier time fighting my depression in the Summer. When the sun is shining and I can be outside and it is light out longer I have more energy and enthusiasm. I do have to watch out that I don't go over the edge to mania because I will feel myself driving faster and faster as I feel so great and the music is playing etc. Same as you, I have trouble keeping control of everything because I feel so great for a change. It is a nice change though.

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