Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Myspace mood changes?

You know how you change your moods and status on Myspace? Well, how come when I look at some of my other friends' profiles they have different smiley moods that aren't in my list of words with faces to go along with them?

For instance, it will have a purple face with an excited look on it and next to it they change the name to whatever they want such as, ';SUPA EXICTED'; you know, stuff like that.

how do you DO it?Myspace mood changes?
i had this same problem go 2 the newer version of myspace click under your pic were it says new home skin and from that mode u can type in your moodMyspace mood changes?
All you have to do is type it in yourself and you can also choose the smiley of your choice.
to change the status, just highlight the words that are currently shown as your status and delete it. that lets you type in whatever mood you want, such as ';SUPA EXCITED';. then to get the smiley, if you click on the box around the smiley, a drop down box will show up and you can choose the one you want.(:

hope i helped!
you just click on update then click in the mood/text box write whatever you want then click the down arrow on the smileys and click whatever one you want :)

add my free profile edit myspace please
you should be able to chooes the smiley of your choice it should be right next to the mood words

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